New Release 7.0.0

Among other changes, the new release of VolleyWrite includes the NCAA rule changes for the new 2-libero system, the new protest procedure and the new crowd control administrative cards. This required the changing of any rule sets that use the NCAA score sheet. If you have a custom rule set that is based on the NCAA score sheet, please remember to edit (then save) the new rule set, or change the number of liberos allowed to 2 and the libero designation to “Mixed” on the Personnel page of the Rules tab!

The changes released by the NFHS do not affect scoring directly. Scorers using the NFHS score sheet style may notice a slight difference on the Change Jersey dialog which now allows a player to change their jersey for blood or damage.

Because penalties and time-outs can occur before a the lineups are accepted, the NCAA and NFHS score sheets now show information in the working section (the player rows) before lineup acceptance. Once the lineups are accepted, you can use Manual Fix to see them listed and delete them if necessary. The severity/level of subsequent penalties whose consequence is a delay in that set are updated also.

The Undo button’s fading reminder of the action that was undone shows when you undo actions before lineup acceptance now.

You now have the ability to add a Replay in Manual Fix.

The iPad version contains the changes for the Windows version and also the captain underline is now clearly visible for all iPad sizes. The player numbers had to be bumped up from center to make this happen, but it is necessary…

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