Paper Scoring Resources
If you're still developing your trust in VolleyWrite, and you still want to have a paper backup, we do understand (well, sort of…). We still want you to have what you need so your scoring experience can be a good one!
- Score Sheet – http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/vb/girls/scoresheet.pdf
- Libero Tracking Sheet – http://www.ohsaa.org/sports/vb/girls/liberotrack.pdf
- Lineup Sheet with Roster (generated by VolleyWrite)
- 3 sets x 4 NFHS Lineup Sheet (great for Freshman and JV tournaments, tri-matches and quads!)
- We have a FREE scoring handbook for NFHS Volleyball matches!
- The NFHS Rules book has scoring instructions near the back of the book.
- Training video on NFHSLearn.com: https://nfhslearn.com/library/videos/volleyball-scoresheet-instructions
- Scoring Instruction Video for Officials from the SAVOA
- A paper copy of the Volleyball Rules book can be purchased online at http://www.nfhs.com.
- You can also purchase a copy for your iPad in the App store by searching for "NFHS Rules".
Manual Fix Scenarios
The following scenarios are meant as a training tool to help scorers test their understanding of VolleyWrite and to provide practice for correcting errors.
First, read the scenario, then download the Windows match file. (This is a zip file that you will download and extract all). Double click the match once it has been extracted to open it in VolleyWrite. Now you can make the proper correction. (This is not possible on the iPad right now.)
And finally, if you were not able to correct the problem, use the video link to see how the problem could be corrected.
- The match started in a rush and you were given the lineups late.
- You didn’t get a chance to verify all of the players on the right side of the court and you didn’t actually see the libero replacement, but you were confident that the R2 verified the players’ positions.
- Since #14 and #10 were on the court in the back row, the libero must have gone in for #4, so you moved the libero into the middle back position.
- When the team on the right won the serve, player #4 ran into the sub zone to sub in for #10.
- Since #4 was not on the bench, you immediately alerted the R2.
- After examining the lineup sheet, you saw that you entered #4 in the starting lineup instead of #9.
* This example illustrates the need for the R2 to confirm that the players on the score sheet match the lineup sheets before each set (regardless of whether you are scoring electronically or on paper).
Download the match
Watch how to fix it (on YouTube)
[…] It is important to make sure you download the new version of the VolleyWrite software. Download is available here: https://volleywrite.com/resources/ […]