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Whether you're using the Windows version or the iPad version, VolleyWrite Volleyball Scoring Software makes it possible to actually enjoy a match while keeping score!
VolleyWrite combines scorekeeping, libero tracking and timing.

Computer System Requirements
The Windows-based version of VolleyWrite runs on a PC with the following minimum attributes:
Easy to Use

Score Sheets
Easy to Read
Proper Notation

The Rules tab allows you to score any type of match.

Extra Cool Features

Even More Features

Frequently Asked Questions
If your match is suspended for any reason (weather and power were two that were reported this fall), simply go to the Match tab and enter a file name such as "SUSPENDED MATCH - <date>". Then save the match with the Save button.
When you are ready to resume, all you have to do is go to the Match tab and click on the Open button. Select the "SUSPENDED MATCH" name, then go to the Set tab to give the officials the positions of the players who should be on the court.
Setting Up VolleyWrite
VolleyWrite is designed to run stand-alone due to the fact that many facilities do not have wifi available during the hours when matches are played. However, internet access and e-mail access are necessary to download VolleyWrite and to receive a product key.
VolleyWrite’s automatic e-mail feature does require internet access to send e-mail messages. When enabled, the automatic e-mail feature causes a results message to be constructed at the end of each match. VolleyWrite will attempt to send the message, but if no internet access is available, it will store the message until it is opened where internet access IS available, at which point it will send the message and notify the user. This applies to messages for the beta testers, as well as to messages to any of the addresses specified on the E-mail Setup page of the Rules tab.
Scoring a Match
QUESTION: I read in the NCAA Women’s volleyball rules that it is crucial to add all of the players correctly before the match because having to do it during the match is time-consuming. Is this true for VolleyWrite?
ANSWER: Because the rules for NCAA Women do not require a roster, you may encounter the situation where a player who is not currently displayed on the roster or bench enters the substitution zone. With VolleyWrite, after you have asked the R2 to bear with you, you simply click on the Add Player button and enter the player number. Once the player is on the bench, you click or drag them onto the court for the appropriate player. It could take about 10 seconds if you go slowly.
The Reports tab contains a Participation report which indicates if players have met the minimum point requirement indicated on the Scoring Options page of the Rules tab. Once players have met the minimum, their entry on the Participation report is black. A player who has not met the minimum number of points played is displayed in red. The Participation Report can be automatically e-mailed at the end of the match to the league management.
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