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Key Information for VolleyWrite for Windows

For ALL VolleyWrite Online Purchases
The charge to your credit card will look like this: WILDFIRE SPORTS LLC 5134005937 OH
If there is any problem with your purchase, please contact us at before you contact your credit card company. (We are much faster anyway…)
Purchase Orders
If you would like to purchase VolleyWrite with a purchase order, please scan and e-mail it to:
Be sure to include the name and e-mail address of the person receiving the key.
We will then send an invoice, our W-9, and an e-mail message containing the key and installation instructions to the e-mail address provided.
Ohio schools should also send their tax exempt certificate if that information is not included on the purchase order.
Although it will take a little longer, you can always use snail mail (the USPS) to send the purchase order indicating who is to receive the key and their e-mail address (and your OH tax exempt form) to
Wildfire Sports, LLC, P.O. Box 112290, Cincinnati, OH 45211