OHSAA State High School Volleyball Tournament for Girls 2022
Congrats to all of the participating teams for this year’s girls high school tournament for the OHSAA!! Wright State University’s Nutter Center was the location of the tournament this year, which took place on Thursday, November 10 through Saturday, November 12. For the 10th year now, the OHSAA used VolleyWrite for all of the scoring and libero tracking. There were no issues, and VolleyWrite did assist in the detection of an illegal libero replacement. You can see the brackets and scores on VolleyTourney.com which was used in conjunction with VolleyWrite to provide score updates so the brackets could auto update as well.
The winners are:
- Div I – Ursuline Academy, Cincinnati
- Div II – Notre Dame Cathedral Latin, Chardon
- Div III – Lake Catholic, Mentor
- Div IV – New Bremen
Thanks for the exciting volleyball! Hope to see you next year!